domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

more updates -- on current favorites

Cannelle et Vanille (Cinnamon & Vanilla): food blog, stunning photos that makes you moan, to die for.

Ridan - Demain
very moving.
Je vendrai mon âme à qui la veut pour que demain tu vives si vieux,
Je ferai ce que je peux pour faire barrage pour que ta vie ne soit plus une cible,
Je prendrai leur flèches à bras le corps je prierai le ciel de faire un effort.
He has another song, L'agriculteur, which i also like a lot.

I'd say Duras' La Douleur but i haven't finished it yet, so the pick is Maximum City - Bombay Lost and Found by Suketu Mehta. I switched to it after my huge disappointment with Shantaram, really don't understand why it got so big. I was gonna read Shantaram to prepare myself for Bombay, but couldn't stand all the pretentiousness so i gave up after getting through the first half, i.e. 400 pages. Maximum City was well-researched, honest, and impassionate - journalism at its best. I finished it while in Pune watching the battle in Mumbai. It was so strange to be able to recognize, among other things, all the different groups that they identified including the dons and the D Company.

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