jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

stuff white people like

A-genius. Full of sarcasms, self-poking fun.

a list of topic in March and things that apply to me:

Modern Furniture - beh
The Idea of Soccer - i grew up in VN, so "the idea" should be eliminated
Graduate School - true
Hating Corporations - too true
Bad Memories of High School - nope, i went to school in Vietnam
T-shirts - i'm ambiguous about this
The Wire - no comment, haven't watched it yet.
Shorts - yup, except it's not working this summer in VN; i'm mass attacked by mosquitoes.
Outdoor Performance Clothes - nope, i'm not at all sportive, especially by white standard.
Having Gay Friends - true, considering that i go to Wes, no surprise that at least half of my friends are queer
Saint Patrick's Day - true, i was in New Orleans for SPD, no reason why i shouldn't like it
Dinner Parties - true
San Francisco - true, even though i've never been there
Paris - sad but true
Should Children Drink Wine - again i grew up in VN; this is not the question.
Music Piracy - what can i say!? the only thing that i've ever paid for "full price" was probably Radiohead's In Rainbows.

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